haifa munititleuniv


A Footprint in the Deep: Marine Technologis in israel

The annual Conference on the Mediterranean Sea Research, sponsored by the Municipality of Haifa and organized by the University of Haifa, aims to increase general public awareness on Marine Science. This year, the conference will focus on Marine Technologies with applications in sea exploration, ocean sensing, and underwater autonomous robots. Top researchers from USA, Europe, and Israel, will present the state-of-the-art in various aspects of Marine Technologies including underwater acoustics, imaging, and subsea engineering. Hosting the event is the Hatter Department of Marine Technologies from the Leon H. Charney School of Marine Sciences.
The conference will spread over two days, Nov. 14th and Nov. 15th. The first day, held on the Carmel Campus, University of Haifa, is aimed for the general public, and will include high level presentations. The second day, held at IOLR, Shikmona Campus, University of Haifa, will showcase in-depth technical workgroups as well as live demonstrations of the capabilities developed at the Hatter Department of Marine Technologies (under establishment).


